How I set my New Year goals and intentions.
These are the key questions I ask myself every New Year.
I like to take time to reflect on the year that has been and then set some intentions for the year to come. And what better way to tap into your inner wisdom than with some juicy journal prompts!
So I encourage you beautiful human to grab your journal, make a cup of tea and take a precious moment to reflect on these meaningful questions.
Reflection & Celebration
What am I most proud of in 2019?
What were my biggest lessons/ things I’ve learnt?
How have I grown? What am I most grateful for this last year?
What didn’t work so well?
What would I like to let go of?
What are some of my limiting beliefs or stories that might be holding me back?
2019 in a few words…
What 5 words describe how I want to feel in 2020?
What are my TOP 3 priorities this year?
What are my key goals in:
health & wellbeing (I include spirituality in this)
career & financial wealth
love & relationships
self-expression/ creativity & play
In what ways can I be healthier?
How can I feel more abundant?
How can I be more loving to myself & others?
What new skill/s would I like to learn this year?
What will I make more time for?
OR What do I need more of in my life?
What does my ideal day look like?
What is one word I want to describe 2020.
Statements of truth (aka affirmations)
What are some inspiring affirmations I want to carry with me through the year?
Lastly, I like to write a little letter to my future self for 31st Dec 2020 on how I’ve grown and what I’ve achieved this year.
As Henry David Thoreau said “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become”. I really love this because I believe the growth is all in the process.
Happy twenty twenty!